Retouching Services


What does basic retouching encompass that we can include it in our flat rate?

Basic retouching includes:

  • Removing styling props such as fishing wire and acrylic stands from table top/jewelry images. 

  • Removing styling pins, mannequin, hangers, foam board from apparel flat or ghost images.

  • Edit image to improve upon the stylist effort (i.e., smooth out wrinkles). 

  • Adjusting brightness/contrast 

  • Color matching, e.g, all handbags in cobalt blue are the same shade/tone of cobalt blue, all yellow gold jewelry same tone)

  • Cropping (e.g.,½  inch of white space below each shoe and the bottom edge of the image) 

What is not included in basic retouching:

Changing background color (i.e., from white to grey)

  • Clipping out the item so you can put on a different background color

  • Layered PSD files (i.e., transparency)

  • Providing images in CMYK, in addition to RGB (which is standard for digital photography)

  • Editing flaws in jewelry that you can’t see with naked eye (sauntering marks, rough surfaces)

  • Making incremental jewelry images by changing metal colors, changing band width

  • Focus stacking jewelry

  • Skin retouching of models (i.e., smooth out color tone)

Before and After

Before and After

What if I want something done to my image that is on the non-basic retouching list? 

We are very happy to perform all your retouching requirements and charge $75/hr to complete anything outside of basic retouching. As each shoot is unique, it is hard to provide an exact estimate of time needed to complete your non- basic requirements. We will be able to provide a range of hours needed to complete. 

What if I have a volume of images shot or retouching requirement than will require more retouching hours than what I get credited with my shoot? 

AccessoryJunkie 060719 A_0061_retouched.jpg

Often, we can shoot faster or style faster than the time it will require to retouch your images to your desired result. In those instances, we will require extra retouching time to complete your job. You will never be “surprised” by an invoice for extra retouching but will be made aware either during your shoot or at the end of your shoot if extra retouching will be required. 

Examples of when this can happen:

  • Need both Front and Back as ghost mannequin. 

  • Lingerie/Activewear tops/Swimwear done as ghost mannequins  

  • Making a selection of model images that is more than 15 images for each hour of photography (i.e., you select 30 images to be retouched from a 1 hour model shoot). 

  • Need multiple crops for each image (i.e, 700x1100 for Joor and 900x1300 for Bloomingdales) 

