Styled Apparel Content for Web and Social


In the last blog, Styling with Movement in Flat Product Photography, we reviewed styled content shots for social channels or a website. The focus of those images were non-apparel items such as beauty products and accessories such as a handbag.

But what about styled apparel content images for web or social? In my view, you will get superior results with far less stress by working with a professional stylist and photographer. With their guidance and expertise it will save time and most importantly produce the professional images you want for your brand. A simple stack of sweaters is not simple at all and requires skill to achieve the perfect Pinterest or Instagram image.

Not as simple as it looks!

Not as simple as it looks!

As with the product styled content shots, the start of any creative styled apparel shoot is a mood board created by the client. This is a critical step in shooting apparel “styled content” as often the look the client wants to achieve might be impossible to execute simple give the fabric of their samples.

For example, if one of your samples is a thin summer cotton sweater that comes in a rainbow of colors, don’t try to achieve the same styled content shots as a stack of wooly textured sweaters. You will need a lot more cotton sweaters piled in a stack to get the height that you can get with a wool/textured sweaters. This is where the stylist can add their input and offer alternative styling options given the fabric of the samples.

A side-by-side comparison of sweater weights and volumes.

A side-by-side comparison of sweater weights and volumes.

After the client and the stylist have agreed which looks best suit the fabric of their samples, the next step is for the client to create a shot list. A shot list is an important aspect of a successful day’s shoot as it outlines all the shots the client wants to achieve. Best practice is to include inspiration images as a placeholder on your shot list with the style number of each sample listed in the shot.

KILN best practice shot list from Creative Shoot at StyleExpo Photography

KILN best practice shot list from Creative Shoot at StyleExpo Photography

Ideally, the photographer and stylists will review the shot list before the day of the shoot and decide which “looks” should be styled/shoot first. Perhaps the client wants strong shadows using natural light. If so, those shots will be done in the morning when there is the most direct sunlight into the studio creating these pretty shadows from the window frame.


Perhaps the client wants to have some samples styled in multiple looks, then the stylist will start with the shoots that create the least wrinkles to the fabric to cut down on having to re-steam the sample. After the shot list has been re-organized for efficiency and natural light, the fun commences with the stylists stuffing, wrinkling, piling the samples to match the inspiration images from the mood board. The photographer will be shooting each look from multiple angles to provide the most options when it comes time to pick which shots will be retouched.

Master Stylist, Kelsey, styles a product shot of shorts.

Master Stylist, Kelsey, styles a product shot of shorts.

Once the selected images are retouched, these styled content shots can be used in a Lookbook or as content for Instagram or Pinterest.

All styled apparel shots (non model shots) done by Styleexpo for KILN

All styled apparel shots (non model shots) done by Styleexpo for KILN

KILN men jacket IG image.png

StyleExpo Photography has 20 years of experience servicing the fashion, jewelry, beauty and homegoods industry. Studios in NYC and LA offer services ranging from one-hour table-top jewelry shoots to a full-day lifestyle model shoot on location. Rates are per-shot for send-in work, though we do offer hourly rates for clients wanting to participate at the shoot. Turnaround is 3-4 business days and all images can be resized and cropped ready to populate your website or linesheet. Call us today to discuss your shoot. 213.394.6307 or contact 

StyleExpo Photography: Your Vision Made Simple