To Crop or Not to Crop: Model Faces Edition

I am often asked from clients if I think it is better to crop the model’s face or not. First off, if you let the model agency know that you are going to crop their face so they are not recognizable, you might get a cheaper rate on the model. If you decide you want to crop the model’s face, then you have options where to crop. We suggest clients crop right below the nose and above the lip. This allows there to still be a nice smile by the model. If you want to crop, we also suggest the model’s hair is down and not in a bun or ponytail. As in the images below, the image with the model’s hair visible is a much more attractive image than the model with her hair up in a bun. If you don’t want the model’s hair to be distracting to the image they she can pull her hair so it goes down her back and not in front of her shoulders. Other benefits of cropping the model’s face is that the photo shoot can go much faster. You don’t need to do hair or makeup touch ups in-between shots if you know you are going to crop the face. Also, by cropping the face of the model you are not projecting who you think should wear your clothing. Cropping the face is generally used for basic product shots to show the shape of the clothing, the color, the fit and texture. A simple product shot does very little to project an aura of the brand.

StyleExpo Photography has 20 years of experience servicing the fashion, jewelry, beauty and homegoods industry. Studios in NYC and LA offer services ranging from one-hour table-top jewelry shoots to a full-day lifestyle model shoot on location. Rates are per-shot for send-in work, though we do offer hourly rates for clients wanting to participate at the shoot. Turnaround is 3-4 business days and all images can be resized and cropped ready to populate your website or linesheet. Call us today to discuss your shoot. 213.394.6307 or contact 

StyleExpo Photography: Your Vision Made Simple